My Institution

“ I had interest in art from a very young age but had no proper guidence.I found my guide n teacher in Mrs Madhu Jain. She not only refined my drawing and painting skills but also enhanced my thought process and creativity.

It has been almost 9 years since I have been a part of Rainbow art classes.I learnt almost all kinds of paintings and techniques ranging from pastel to poster colours ,acrylic to oil colour, water to pencil sketching. But yes, I learnt each method with great precision and practice. The craft classes which were held at times made me kept going.

My teacher helped me compile a drawing portfolio and also made me and every other student give drawing exams from the Sarba Bhartiya Sanskriti Parishad . Now I hav recieved the senior diploma (7years) and hence made my skill certified.

I am very thankful to Madhu aunty for not only forcing me to think out of the box but also always encouraging and believing in me and trying to bring the best out of me.”
Megha Shah